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    Market Gardening

    Market gardens, which typically occupy an area of less than one acre and up to a few acres, are known for their diversity in crop production. This contrasts with larger-scale farming operations, which often focus on monoculture - the cultivation of a single crop over a large area.

    The emphasis in market gardening is on direct sales to consumers, which can include on-farm stands, farmers markets, and other direct-to-consumer channels. This not only allows the farmer to capture a greater share of the retail price but also enables them to build relationships with their customers.

    Jean-Martin Fortier's method of permanent raised bed farming takes a unique approach that promotes both efficiency and sustainability. The permanent raised beds, typically 4-6 inches above the ground and 30 inches wide, are designed to optimize equipment usage and reduce soil compaction, making it an ideal setup for biointensive farming.

    Market gardens are usually less than one acre, but they can be up to several acres. The goal is to maximize yield and diversity of crops throughout the year.

    Market gardeners often grow a range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes even flowers, all of which are typically sold directly to consumers through avenues like farmers' markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, or even directly from their farm.